Professional looking email signature examples
Professional looking email signature examples

professional looking email signature examples
professional looking email signature examples

White: Clean, Simplicity, Innocense, Honest.Black: Formality, Dramatic, Sophistication, Security.Brown: Dependable, Rugged, Trustworthy, Simple.Purple: Royalty, Luxury, Spirituality, Ambition.Pink: Compassion, Sincerity, Sophistication, Sweet.Blue: Trust, Peace, Loyalty, Competence.Green: Nature, Healing, Freshness, Quality.Yellow: Creativity, Happiness, Warmth, Cheer.Orange: Confidence, Success, Bravery, Sociability.Check out some of the words that are commonly associated with colors in a design, what are you communicating? Use color to grab attentionĬolor is a powerful design tool to bring attention to certain elements, give context, and call out emotion. Consider what "quick actions" your readers and customers do with your company often? Can they schedule an appointment online? That is a perfect opportunity to put a button or a link in your signature for that purpose! 3. Those kinds of things will make people appreciate your signature and the thought you have put into it. Your phone numbers should be linked so that on a mobile device they can easily click on them and have the phone dial automatically. For example a logo should always be linked to your website if you have one. You can also use color and font size to highlight important information and diminish the importance of other text in the signature.Īnother way you can be helpful is by linking things that the user expects to be able to click on. The best email signatures are organized by keeping like information together and using white space to clearly create groups of information. When a signature is a mishmash of unimportant information it can take longer for the viewer to find what they are looking for. Put yourself in your recipients place, what can you do to make your signature helpful for them? It might be on their way to you office (when they are running late) or it might be seconds before they have a call with you the next time. Think of it like a business card, one of its purposes is to be a tool you are providing your reader to quickly look up your contact information at a later date. Include your company social media profilesġ.Include a call to action or special offer.

professional looking email signature examples

  • Use your photo, people will remember it.

    If you think you have a better example, feel free to send it over, we would love to include it! The full list of email signature tips and examples: This article gives you ten tips with examples of email signatures displaying how you could accomplish that goal in your email signature. Think about the purpose of the email signature for you and your brand, what are you trying to communicate with your email readers once you have sent off that email? How can it be both a beneficial tool for you and your email recipient? The best email signatures are those that work perfectly for what their organization needs. Most of the time we changed the names and contact information to protect the person, but looking at these examples for comparison to figure out what you need to include in your email signature may be helpful. We pooled our collective wisdom and came up with some of our favorite email signatures that we have seen come through our inbox.


    Making an email signature usually isn’t too hard, but it can be tricky to know what elements to include and how to format it.

    Professional looking email signature examples